As a board-certified naturopathic physician, Dr. King is a leading voice in integrative gynecology. With expertise and training in allopathic gynecology, complementary medicine, and traditional midwifery, she has a unique and comprehensive approach to gynecological care and sexual health.
Dr. King is focused on uniting the complexity of the reproductive system with time, attention, and expansive options for treatments that are full spectrum in root causation and treatment, with a trauma informed lens.
As a board-certified naturopathic physician, Dr. King is a leading voice in integrative gynecology. With expertise and training in allopathic gynecology, complementary medicine, and traditional midwifery, she has a unique and comprehensive approach to gynecological care and sexual health.
Dr. King is focused on uniting the complexity of the reproductive system with time, attention, and expansive options for treatments that are full spectrum in root causation and treatment, with a trauma informed lens.
“With gynecological care, time is needed and so are options for care. The lens of the traditional model is narrow and at times dismissive to the sensitivity of the exams and topics discussed. Integrative gynecology is utilizing the advancements of ob/gyn research and new treatments with root cause approach to treatment.”
-Dr. Noelle King
Conditions treated
- Cervical Dysplasia and HPV– abnormal or irregular
- Vaginal bleeding/Dysfunctional uterine bleeding
- Menstrual complaints/painful periods
- Irregular cycles
- Vaginal bleeding
- Menstrual complaints
- Vaginitis/chronic and acute including mycoplasma and ureaplasma
- Gynecologic Infectious Disease/ STI Infection
- Breast health
- Teen Health
- Anxiety and depression
- Ovarian dysfuction
- Pelvic Pain, Vaginal Pain Disorders
- Gynecologic Infectious Disease
- Hormone imbalance
- Thinning hair
- Hirsutism
- Fatigue
- Irregular menses/absence of menses
- endometriosis and adenomyosis
- osteoporosis
- optimization of skin and hair health
- Dysparuenia/Painful sex
- Vulvodynia
- Trans supportive care
- Trauma informed care
- Interstitial cystitis
- UTIs acute and chronic
- Uterine prolapse, cystocele and rectocele
- Pelvic floor laxity/pelvic floor dysfunction
- incontinence
Supportive Services offered
- Pap smears and pelvic exams
- Endometrial biopsies and other minor surgeries
- STI (sexually transmitted infection) testing and treatment
- Evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment options for vaginitis
- IUD placement and removal
- Holistic Pelvic Care™ (pelvic floor therapy)
- Escharotic treatment
- Vulvar biopsies
- Breast exams
- Hormone testing and evaluation
- Bio-Identical Hormones/Hormone Replacement Therapy
- Vaginal colonization/Vaginal Microbiome treatment
- Cervical cap fitting and other family planning support/intervention
- Cervical Dysplasia/HPV Treatment
- Imaging and lab investigation
- Supplement, botanical and pharmacuetical treatment and management
- Dietary /lifestyle counseling
- Coordinating care

Dr. King always strives to create a safe atmosphere for sensitive exams and topics. All exams and visits are conscious-inclusive and trauma-informed. She also offers supportive measures for any exam or procedure to create a space of autonomy, safety and patient directed control. Ensuring your comfort is her top priority.
Dr. King always strives to create a safe atmosphere for sensitive exams and topics. All exams and visits are conscious-inclusive and trauma-informed.
She also offers supportive measures for any exam or procedure to create a space of autonomy, safety and patient directed control. Ensuring your comfort is her top priority.